Is there a JO club in Palm Springs?

By far, the one question I get more than any other is some variation of, “Is there a JO club in ____?” Clearly, there are a hell of a lot of guys who just want what JO clubs have to offer and when they find out about us their one response is, “Hell yes! Where do I sign up?”

There is no current list of all active JO clubs being maintained. The one listing I go to when asked that question is the NY Jacks web site, specifically their page of Links. I just checked it and sure enough, there is a listing for “PS Jacks.” Unfortunately, as of this writing, that link goes to an “account suspended.” page, so it looks like the PS Jacks have faded. If anyone reading this has information about JO clubs in Palm Springs, please post that here in the comments section.

What I do know is that Billy Jack, the man behind the classic porn persona of Chad James, has been presenting Healthy Friction, a series of serious JO-centric weekend retreats since 1989 and many of them take place in Palm Springs. The events are intense, deep-bate experiences with men who are very, very into “the bate” as a personal, social and even spiritual practice. This is, in some ways, a step beyond JO clubs.

I see that they are currently planning Wank Fest 2013 at the Triangle Inn for the weekend of April 25 through 28, 2013. I suggest you contact them by visiting and joining their Yahoo group. Tell them JackDaddy Paul from Rain City Jacks sent you. Billy Jack is a luminary of bater culture.

Again, please add your comments to this question if you have any info about and buddy JO and/or group JO being organized in Palm Springs.

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