Louis CK and the Ending of “Magic Mike” | Badwolf/Blog
Louis CK and the Ending of “Magic Mike” | Badwolf/Blog I almost never agree with anyone 100% of the time, and while I have my quibbles with one tiny phrase in this piece, I think its fundamental point is spot-fucking-on. Having met and masturbated with hundreds of men in socially sexual situations (JO clubs) I…
Masturbation is Amazing Archives | Badwolf/Blog
Masturbation is Amazing Archives | Badwolf/Blog I’m so happy to know this sexy young New Yorker. He’s more than hot and smart. He’s creative and inspired. His is the only sex blog I read on the regular and he gives me lots to think about. This archive, “Masturbation is Amazing,” is sort of a gateway to…
Versatile A nice article, if a bit ranty… I often feel sad and frustrated with play partners who are stuck in narrow ideas and can’t relate without some categorical reference. I don’t mind fucking, but the focus so many men place on it completely distracts from what’s going to be our best possible sex, which…
DADDIES – Full-length film | Antonio Da Silva Films
DADDIES – Full-length film | Antonio Da Silva Films Like so much of da Silva’s work, DADDIES is far more art than porn, more deeply evocative than manipulative. I found it exciting, riveting and touching. It left me horny and with a concurrent sense of affection for the men I see around me every day…
Love Yourself Beautiful scene from Luc Besson’s movie Angel A VIDEO
Love Yourself Beautiful scene from Luc Besson’s movie Angel A VIDEO This This is what drives me to write, to share myself, to invite men to experience pleasure with me… with each other and with themselves. I want all of us to really get this. I want you to get it. I’ll get back to…
How I Learned There’s More Than One Way To Have Gay Sex
How I Learned There’s More Than One Way To Have Gay Sex (Click on the title of this article to read the whole thing on Buzzfeed.) I am very pleased to have been interviewed for this article. However we get there, losing our stupid prejudice against anything other than full-on buttsex only makes our sex lives…
Is Masturbation Good For You?
Is Masturbation Good For You? So this came across my feed today… I love science!
Rain City Jacks Is Seattle’s Premier Masturbation Club | VICE | Canada
Rain City Jacks Is Seattle’s Premier Masturbation Club | VICE | Canada Here’s the initial publication of my interview for VICE. It should go live in the USA by Friday!
The Dawn of the Solosexual
The Dawn of the Solosexual This primer on solo culture is from April. I’m glad to see this previously secretive and insulated identity getting a little cred out in the world.
This Is Why I Jerk Off at the Gym (Slightly NSFW)
This Is Why I Jerk Off at the Gym (Slightly NSFW) I did not write this. I don’t live in San Francisco. I just liked the article and agree with its POV and its overall message. It’s short. Read it, enjoy and offer your own experience in the comments below. —Paul It’s a Tuesday. I’m…