Month: September 2011

  • You know, I love seeing men masturbate, All kinds of guys get me off but DAMN, I wish there were more pics of mutual masturbators on tumblr…

  • Why

    One of the most fascinating pieces of Jacks culture regards the many assumptions surrounding why we jack off together. The most common assumption is that it’s all about “safe sex” and HIV. In other words, fear. There’s an idea that we’re afraid of getting HIV or transmitting HIV so we are essentially settling for this…

  • Heritage

    I’ve been digging through the old newsletters of the SF Jacks (San Francisco’s venerable JO club, most faithfully inspired by the NY Jacks) and I am so delighted by what I find there, though I have read it many times before. It is a fantastic window into the ‘80s and into one of the main…

  • Masturbation Prevalence

    Masturbation Prevalence Interesting article. I like it when the standard narrative is blown apart in favor of quantifiable facts… I would note that although it was a pretty good-sized sample, the face-to-face interview methodology may have had more impact on results than they estimated… And I like this morsel: “… In both genders, a sexless…

  • Seventies

    I just finished watching Gay Sex in the 70s, the 2005 documentary about the period between Stonewall and AIDS, roughly 1969 through 1981. It was a rich experience of nostalgia, humor, sadness and history. It left me feeling grateful to be alive, to have survived, and to have benefitted from the experience of those who…

  • An outtake from a Rain City Jacks photo shoot. The final selects will not show any faces, but this one shows one… mine.

  • Shyness

    I have come to understand that shyness is a common quality among men who go to jack-off clubs. I’ve heard it so often from prospective members, I never thought to ask men who never mentioned it, but sure enough, it turns out that a venue where a large number of men are uniformly naked and…